
"And when I am lifted up on the cross, I will draw everyone to myself." Jesus, John 12:32

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Why am I doing this Podcast?

Show Notes

Host: Jim Hughes

We often try to attract people to the church, to our system of belief, or to a preacher or pastor. This is missing the point.

It's also putting the cart before the horse. When people are drawn to Jesus, they will find the church, and they will develop understanding.

The purpose of Drawn2Jesus is to draw people to Jesus -- the other stuff will follow.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

What if your neighbors got a postcard about you?

We're all good at hiding things we don't want others to know or see about us. What if, like the sex offender down the street, someone sent out postcards to your neighbors warning them about whatever it is about you that you hide?

Link to the internet service that provides alerts about sex offenders and all kinds of other things: ScanUSA.

Monday, May 23, 2005

The Sex Offender Down the Street

I received a post card in the mail this last week notifying us that a child sex offender lives down the street. The card named his offense, told how long he was in prison, and showed his photograph. Our society brands sex offenders in a special way because statistics indicate that they will commit the same crimes again and again.

Several thoughts have run through my mind as I have reflected on this situation.

1. This man must be overwhelmingly aware of his sin against society and against God.

2. He must feel totally isolated and dispised.

3. He must feel that no one, not even God, could love him.

The truth is, God does love him. That's the good news that Jesus brought while on earth -- God loves the unloveable. And not only that, but God is willing to forgive even the sin of being a sex offender because Jesus paid the price for that sin through his death on the cross. "Loved" and "forgiven" must be words this man wants to hear and believe.

Thinking about this sex offender has also caused me to think about myself and others who may not be guilty of his particular action. Are we really any better than this sex offender? Jesus said to the religious people, "You've heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matthew 5:27-28)

Jesus wants those of us who think we are good to understand that none of us are okay on our own. Even if we have never acted in a way to be branded a sex offender by society, we're still a sex offender in our hearts. We're just as guilty in God's sight as those who have acted. We need the forgiveness of God that comes through Jesus just as much as the sex offender down the street.

I hope you'll be drawn to Jesus today because he is our only hope.

Welcome to Drawn2Jesus

Are you drawn to Jesus?

If not, there are several possible reasons.
  • You don't really know him.
  • You don't think you need what he has to offer.
  • You've been turned off by some of his followers.
  • You don't think you're good enough for Jesus.
  • You don't think you're bad enough for Jesus.
  • You don't believe in the supernatural.
  • You don't believe you can change.
  • You think you're doing alright by yourself.
  • You don't believe in an afterlife.
  • You think following Jesus means giving up a good life.
People who are drawn to Jesus
  • Know him through learning about his life, his teachings, and his actions.
  • Recognize their need for him.
  • Learn to put their trust in him.
  • Become his followers -- his apprentices.
I want you to be drawn to Jesus as I am. This podcast will help you know him, recognize your need for him, learn to put your trust in him, and become one of his followers.