
"And when I am lifted up on the cross, I will draw everyone to myself." Jesus, John 12:32

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Mark: Just the Facts

Show Notes:

"Mark: Just the Facts"

Host: Jim Hughes, Christian Life Coach

We live in a time of exectutive summaries, watching movies instead of reading books, and PowerPoint bullets. That's the way the Gospel of Mark is: brief and straight to the point. In fact, you can probably read Mark in an hour and a half -- maybe even less.

Mark makes two main points:

1. Jesus has authority. He does this in Chapters 1-8 by highlighting the teaching of Jesus and the miracles of Jesus. This section culminates in Mark 8:29 when Jesus asked Peter: "Who do you say I am?" Peter replied, "You are the Messiah." The authority of Jesus had been established.

2. To follow Jesus means to serve. In Mark 8:34, Jesus begins to explain to his followers what it means to be a disciple: "If you want to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross, and follow me." (NLT) The rest of the book focuses on how Jesus demonstrated and taught about being a servant.

My challenge to you today is to read the Gospel of Mark in one sitting and to focus on the two themes: Jesus has authority and to follow Jesus means to serve. Doing so cannot help but draw you closer to Jesus.